The Energy Aware House
The Software Corridor and InfinIT jointly established The Energy Aware House exhibit for the Bright Green Expo in Forum, Copenhagen, December 12 to 13 2009. Subsequently, the exhibit was shown at the Danish Ministry for Science Technology and Innovation in Copenhagen and at the NOVI Science Park in Aalborg, as well as at the E-10 - Denmark's biggest electronics trade fair.
The Energy Aware House displayed four future scenarios of how consumers can save energy and contribute to the salvation of the planet. The exhibit demostrated climate-friendly technologies that respond to the energy-consuming challenges of our daily lives. Onlookers thus got a chance to gain insight into the future possibilities, and to try the Bright Green Energy Planner and learn how you can save on energy.
The Energy Aware House
In our ‘The Energy Aware House’ exhibit, there were four different scenarios, all of which illustrated how the use of technology can save energy without compromising on comfort - and through this we can all help save the climate.
Light Control:
The "Light Control" tube visualized how the use of light control and light automation in your home can save energy. The tube showed how your home can automatically adjust to the incoming light and dim your lighting in strong daylight. By controlling the incoming light, the audience experienced how this affects the light sources in the household such as in the living room, bathroom, kitchen and bedroom. Additionally, LEDs in the tube illustrated the energy saved. The audience could thus see how they as a consumers can save energy and get a feel for how much it will mean for the environment if we all saved that amount of energy.
Visualizing Energy
In the tube "Visualizing Energy", the audience could visually see their energy consumption. Many products in private homes can be controlled though automation, but not all. Therefore, consumers' behavior is very important in correlation to minimizing the use of energy. When the audience visualized their current consumption, they would automatically become more observant and acquire a more appropriate behavior.
The tube allowed the audience to interact with energy-consuming products. When activated, they were able to visualise their energy use in the form of graphics, sound and light and thus offer alternatives to traditional electricity meter display.
Moving Energy:
In the tube "Moving Energy" the audience experienced how they can save energy with the help of sensors in their homes and what this will mean for society. By actively dealing with the incoming energy from the sun or actively protecting themselves from extraneous cold, their energy consumption can be positively impacted. In the tube, the audience could turn up the heat and experience how the sensors activate relevant systems at the right time. They were able to see how a sensor from a light source will affect the heat, which again will cause the heat to be turned down, and thus the energy continues to affect the circuit.
Moving Energy also emphasized a phenomenon that we will see more of in the future: energy moving between different rooms.
Open Window
The tube "Open Window" gave the audience an experience of how technology can help them turn off the heater when they air out the house. They could see how much energy they can save by turning off the heater when they open a window. They also got an idea of what it will mean for the energy consumption if everyone in Denmark turned off the heater when they open the window.
Bright Green Energy Planner
Bright Green Energy Planner is a tool that helps you plan your energy consumption in the smartest possible way. You select products from your home and indicate when you want them to be ready. Bright Green Energy Planner will then show you when the best energy is available, i.e. the most renewable energy resources. Thus the Bright Green Energy Planner shows you when the energy use is best for the environment and best for you and your wallet.
The Bright Green Energy Planner is now being displayed in the showroom of CISS - Center for Embedded Software Systems at Aalborg University.
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