Temadag: Java for real-time and embedded systems
InfinITs interessegruppe for højniveau sprog til indlejrede systemer inviterer til temadag om Java
fredag den 13. september 2013 på Aalborg Universitet i København
With its write once - run anywhere approach Java has become one of the most popular programming languages on earth and it is now used for programming everything from toasters to supercomputers. However, Java in its traditional form is unsuited for safety critical embedded hard-real-time systems, partly due its use of garbage collection, partly due to the fact that Java lacks the notion of a deadline and high resolution real-time clocks. The Java community, through JSR 302, has made tremendous progress towards providing support for programming safety critical embedded hard-real-time systems and an important step has been taken with the upcoming Safety Critical Java (SCJ) standard.
There are several commercial, open source and experimental implementations supporting the upcoming SCJ standard and many tools and techniques for analysis of SCJ programs have been put forward. The technologies are now so mature that several commercial projects have started to use them.
Come and learn about the possibilities Java now offers for development of safety critical embedded hard-real-time systems
Tilmelding skal ske gennem linket her senest den 3. september. Temadagen henvender sig fortrinsvist til private og offentlige virksomheder og institutioner
Arrangementet afholdes også den 12. september 2013 i Horsens.
Nedenstående program er foreløbigt og opdateres løbende.
> Download invitation (PDF)
09.00-09.20 |
Welcome by InfinIT
9.20-10.10 |
The Continuous Delivery toolstack for embedded Java by Leif Sørensen, Partner at Praqma One of the advantages of bringing Java to the embedded world is the software development approach which comes along, including all the fantastic open source tools to support it. Continuous Delivery is the paradigm for arranging your software development process to support agile development with predictable project deliveries of high quality - continuously! This is done by incorporating your software verification process with build, test, QA, deployment etc. into the process from the beginning, and execute it all automatically - with every code change. We will introduce you to Continuous Delivery and demonstrate how such a setup for embedded Java would look like, based on some real life examples.
10.10-10.45 |
JamaicaVM: Hard Realtime Response for Java Programs by Dr. Isabel Tonin Both the Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) and Safety-Critical Java (SCJ) provide mechanisms for enabling realtime response from a Java program. Implementing synchronization with a priority inversion avoidance protocol and priority preemptive scheduling are important ingredients. SCJ goes so far as to specify static compilation. JamaicaVM uses these approaches, but the difference lies in how submillisecond response is attained. The conventional approach has been to avoid garbage collection, hence scoped memory in the RTSJ and SCJ. JamaicaVM takes a completely different approach than even other Java implementations with realtime garbage collection. With a combination of a deterministic garbage collector and static compilation, even for dynamically loaded code, JamaicaVM provides microsecond range responses without altering the inherent memory management paradigm of Java programs.
10.05-10.40 |
JamaicaVM: Hard Realtime Response for Java Programs by Dr. Isabel Tonin Both the Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) and Safety-Critical Java (SCJ) provide mechanisms for enabling realtime response from a Java program. Implementing synchronization with a priority inversion avoidance protocol and priority preemptive scheduling are important ingredients. SCJ goes so far as to specify static compilation. JamaicaVM uses these approaches, but the difference lies in how submillisecond response is attained. The conventional approach has been to avoid garbage collection, hence scoped memory in the RTSJ and SCJ. JamaicaVM takes a completely different approach than even other Java implementations with realtime garbage collection. With a combination of a deterministic garbage collector and static compilation, even for dynamically loaded code, JamaicaVM provides microsecond range responses without altering the inherent memory management paradigm of Java programs.
10.45-11.20 |
JamaicaCAR: Realtime Java for In-Vehicle Infotainment Systems by Managing director Dr.-Ing. James J. Hunt, Aicas App have become the name of the game in mobile telephony and In-Vehicle Infortainment (IVI) systems are following suite. With JamaicaVM, aicas has adapted the advantages of realtime Java to this domain. IVI systems are not hard realtime systems, but they do benefit from consistent response. Pauses due to garbage collection in the user interface can distract the driver, particularly during interaction with the system. However, an IVI system needs more than this. Security and app execution independence are two other important concerns in an IVI system. Vehicle manufacturers are responsible for the correct operation of all aspects of the vehicle, including the IVI system. It is critical that they control what apps can be loaded onto the system and that no app can cause the system to lock up. These are the main advantage of JamaicaCAR offers and are in use by Toyota and Chrysler.
11.20-11.55 |
HWM (Technology) by Assistant Professor and Ph.d. Stephan Erbs Korsholm, ICT Engineering, VIA University college The HVM is a Java execution platform for small resource constrained devices. The HVM does not require an OS or POSIX layer, but enables Java on the bare bone of small micro controller environments. The main distinguishing feature of the HVM is its ability to integrate Java software components into existing C-based development and execution environments in an incremental manner. The HVM compiles Java software into self-contained C code that integrates with any C based platform. Even small and resource constrained devices can contain complicated software stacks, and the high level programming language Java and related tools can be used to improve the software quality and maintainability of such systems. The HVM also supports download of small apps for embedded devices. This is a novel way of opening up embedded platforms and enable the users - in a safe and controlled way - to extend and configure software logic.
12.00-12.30 |
Sandwich and networking |
