The well-established ICTSS series of international conferences addresses the conceptual, theoretic, and practical challenges of testing software systems, including communication protocols, services, distributed platforms, middleware, embedded systems, and security infrastructures.

The ICTSS'12 is the successor of ICTSS'11 in Paris, France and previous (joint) conferences TESTCOM and FATES. ICTSS'12 aims at being a forum for researchers, developers, testers, and users to review, discuss, and learn about new approaches, concepts, theories, methodologies, tools, and experiences in the field of testing of communicating systems and general software.

Among the speakers is Klaus Havelund of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Laboratory for Reliable Software, USA, where he is part of the developing team behind the Curiosity Rover that landed on Mars on August 15, 2012.

Read more at: http://ictss2012.aau.dk