ARTEMIS Information and Promotion Day

ARTEMIS Promotion Day, London
On 27 January, a Promotion Day will be held in London.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
10:30 Registrations
11:00 Recap of ARTEMIS and the AWP for Call 2009 (Alun Foster, ARTEMISIA Organisation)
12:00 The ARTEMIS Partner Search Tool
12:15 General Feedback from Brussels Brokerage Event (Daniel Dearing, Electronics KTN)
12:30 Lunch and networking
13:30 Project leaders from Brussels event
14:00 Presentations from UK companies
15:00 Coffee
15:15 Facilitated discussion of the sub-programmes (facilitated by Dan Dearing and Alun Foster)
16:15 Networking and Close
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The purpose of ARTEMIS () is to disseminate the competences of European actors within complex systems – with the purpose of developing new, improved products for the benefit of the European economy, job market and quality of life.
A unique aspect of ARTEMIS is the fact that the project works for establishing collaboration between industry, universities and other research institutions – and thus also for building bridges between private companies and the world of research. In addition, the project is based upon collaboration across national borders; hence, each proposed project needs to encompass representatives from at least three different ARTEMIS member states. In this way, the dissemination and exchange of knowledge and ideas is ensured to the highest possible degree. The projects will be financed partially by EU resources, partially by the participating companies and partially by the states from which the participants stem.