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Talk: Harry Pierson at Cassiopeia

Harry Pierson from Microsoft offers a preview of the programming of the future


On Monday 7 September, Harry Pierson, Senior Program Manager at Microsoft, will give a talk at the Department of Computer Science. The title is Pumping Iron: Dynamic Languages on .NET, and the talk will give listeners an opportunity to learn about topics such as the open source programming languages Python and Ruby, Dynamic Languages, programming in general and, not least, how Microsoft sees the programming of the future.


Everyone who develops and works with software are welcome. The talk will be held at the Department of Computer Science, Selma Lagerlöfs Vej 300, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Room 0.2.13 at 3 pm.


Harry  Pierson  is  a  Senior  Program  Manager  on  the  Visual  Studio  Languages  team, primarily  focused  on  IronPython.  A  ten  year  Microsoft  veteran,  Harry  has  worked  all  over  the  company  from  Microsoft  Consulting  Services  and  Architecture  Evangelism  in  the  field  to  being  an  rchitect  in  Microsoft  IT.  He  been  writing  his  blog  DevHawk  (  for  just  over  six  years  and  has  written  articles  for  MSDN  and  CoDe  Magazines.   


Click here to download the abstract of the talk 


Selma Lagerlöfs Vej 300
DK-9220 Aalborg OE
Tlf: +45 99 40 72 20

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