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AAU in top where ICT research is concerned

Aalborg University is the largest in Denmark where public research within information and communication technology (ICT) is concerned. This is the result of a new survey of the field of ICT that the Danish Agency for Science Technology and Innovation has carried out.

The survey shows that Aalborg University is the Danish research institution that invests most money in ICT research – in total, 33 percent of the total expenditure on ICT research are used at AAU. The same goes for the number of persons the different universities have working within research and development within ICT. In this connection, AAU accounts for 27 percent of all man-years.

Head of faculty Frede Blaabjerg from the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine is not surprised by the result of the survey.

”Our focus on the field of ICT is bearing fruit, and we are continuously working on ensuring the quality and development of our research. For instance, we have started to do more work across traditional professional boundaries in the unifying initiative ”On TOP of ICT”, and our research teams are constantly establishing new collaborations in order to ensure AAU’s position as a front-runner. Because as the Minister of Science pointed out when the report was presented, there are large potentials in creating new ICT solutions that may develop our society,” Frede Blaabjerg points out.

CISS plays an important role in AAU’s ICT research, both in terms of the numerous research projects that originate from CISS and in terms of the unifying initiative On TOP of ICT in which CISS participates in the steering committee.


Selma Lagerlöfs Vej 300
DK-9220 Aalborg OE
Tlf: +45 99 40 72 20

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