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CISS highlighted in annual performance statement
A unique combination of competences and an efficient canvassing effort are the reasons for CISS being singled out from a group of altogether 36 innovation networks as the first of three case stories presented in the Danish Agency of Science Technology and Innovation's annual performance statement on the Agency's innovation networks.
The statement's presentattion of CISS emphasises two characteristics that are particularly distinctive for this network:
- The combination of system analysis and computer science which is the basis of a unique interaction between hardware design and software development.
- The centre's canvassing efforts, in which senior researchers in collaboration with trade promotion officers make direct contact with companies in order to present CISS' competences and show how these can be brought to use in the individual company.
In addition, the statement mentions the fact that CISS has managed to establish collaboration projects with a wide range of businesses, both large concerns, new high-technoloigcal businesses and small and medium-sized enterprises within traditional trades. As such, CISS has something to offer any and all kinds of manufacturing company.
As an example of a successful business collaboration, the statement mentions CISS' collaboration project with the compnay Skov A/S about "intelligent sensor networks in stables". The collaboration has resulted in a series of good results - not only for the company itself in terms of concrete product innovation and later collaboration with CISS, but also for other companies who have discovered through the Skov example how CISS can contribute to innovation and development of their products as well.
The annual performance statement can be downloaded at (in Danish). |