CISS highly regarded among the international car and aviation manufacturers

In the days 4th-5th June 2008, Director of CISS, Professor Kim Guldstrand Larsen, participated in a conference in Berlin. The theme of the conference was systematic test of software for the car and aviation industry, and the participants numbered a series of the world's leading manufacturers within the field. In addition, representatives from a number of large manufacturing companies, both Danish and internatonal, with interest in systematic software test were present.

During the conference, Kim Guldstrand Larsen made a presentation and participated in a panel debate along with Malte Schwarze, Airbus,  

                                               Maximillian Fuchs, BMW and Thomas Pütz, TRW.

”I believe that my participation in the conference - as the only representative from the academic world - is proof that we're doing the right things at CISS. And naturally, we are going to follow up on the interest that we experienced from Danish companies and on the range of international contacts that we made," Kim Guldstrand Larsen says. 

The first step in this connection was taken in June when vice director of CISS Henrik Schiřler visited BMW in Germany.