Elite students receive Bang & Olufsen scholarship
Arild Martin Møller Haugsted and Robert Jørgensgaard Engdahl, attending the elite study programme 'Intelligent Embedded Systems' under the Department of Computer Science, have recently received a Bang & Olufsen scholarship.

Liberty to do research
The scholarship is being granted for the first time, and it is a part of B&O's strategy for establishing a closer collaborative relationship with Danish research institutions. The students get an amount of DKK 6,000 each month for six months, and the purpose is to provide them with the liberty to focus 100 percent on their studies.
”This means that we don't have to think twice when we go out and buy new books, and we don't need to spend time on a student job in order to make ends meet. We can focus on our research project," Robert Jørgensgaard Engdahl explains.
From theory to reality
The contact to B&O also means that the two students' project can be closer connected to the products and needs existing in the company, rather than just be tested on well-known, artificially created test models.
”It would be very interesting to learn from B&O whether they have any pracitical problems that we might try to solve using our model. It is great to feel that what we are doing can be used within such companies," Arild Martin Møller Haugstad says.
Interest from the outside world
The students' supervisor, Managing Director of CISS Kim Guldstrand Larsen, is happy and proud on behalf of the students. ”They are working on a very complicated tool. It is great to see that their work has gotten such a stamp of approval and that they can develop their tool further in collaboration with B&O.”
In addition, the case of these two students may function as a carrot to other students. "It shows that the outside world is interested in the things that we are working with on an everyday basis, and that this means that as a student you can get contacts to interested business partners through your stydies at Aalborg University."
The picture shows the two proud students after the award ceremony at Bang & Olufsen on 25 January 2008. |