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Northern Jutland - a winning region

A new collaboration initiative will contribute to placing Northern Jutland on the map to an even higher degree where ICT is concerned. CISS is one of the key forces behind it.

”ICT INDUSTRY: Northern Jutland a winning region.” Thus goes the title of a viewpoint written by the Mayor of Aalborg, Henning G. Jensen, that was printed in the newspaper Nordjyske on September 26. Henning G. Jensen emphasises the fact that Northern Jutland is the home of one of Denmark’s strongest business clusters within the development of mobile and wireless technology, and the fact that at the same time, the area has a strong and growing IT industry – but he also makes the point that it is important to continue developing the region and attract new ICT companies.

Interplay between research and industry

”We will be able to draw companies here if we can prove that we have an globally leading environment here, with world-class knowledge, favourable business opportunities and access to the most important resource of today: Highly qualified employees. Northern Jutland has the ingredients for a winning environment like that. Aalborg University (AAU) is the biggest and best ICT university in the country, it performs world-class research and every year, a large number of computer scientists and engineers who are highly skilled in ICT are educated. At the same time, AAU has several times been appointed the university in Denmark that is best in terms of collaborating with trade and industry,” Henning G. Jensen writes and especially emphasizes the beneficial interplay between knowledge environments and knowledge industries as something distinctive for the area.

CISS plays a significant part in ICT Partnership Northern Jutland

The continued development of this interplay is one of the main purposes with the newly-established ICT Partnership Northern Jutland; a collaboration between Aalborg University, Aalborg Municipality, NorCOM, ICT Forum and The North Denmark Region, in which CISS plays a very significant part. Both because the field ’embedded software’ has been appointed a distinct spearhead technology for the initiative, and because CISS has proven that the centre is capable of establishing a high level of exposure for its competences – both among companies and among political actors.

”We – the companies in Northern Jutland – are privileged by having the most high-tech university of Denmark here. That obliges us to become the most high-tech region of Denmark, too. We have easy access to knowledge, not least because of a centre such as CISS. And at the same time, CISS actively contributes to strengthening the visibility of the ICT of Northern Jutland and to branding the competences that we have here. The more visible CISS is, nationally and internationally, the more visible is the area’s ICT industry,” Grimur Lund, Managing Director of Logimatic, chairman of ICT Forum and one of the major originators of the ICT Partnership says.

”CISS will play a significant role in the partnership – also in terms of the political processes governing the budget. We need to attract funding to the region in order to strengthen our research and development within intelligent embedded software – and CISS is very good at doing that,” he emphasises.


Grimur Lund


Selma Lagerlöfs Vej 300
DK-9220 Aalborg OE
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