Test conference filled the houseIf the software in your stereo, DVD player or digital receiver for your TV fails, it is a cause of annoyance. If the software of an airplane, a patient record system or a system for medicating patients fails, it may in the end mean the difference between life and death. No matter which kind of software we are concerned with, an enhanced use of test during the development and manufacturing phase may enhance the quality and reliability of software considerably.
83 researchers and representatives from industry came to Aalborg on October 30 to participate in the conference about software test. In collaboration with Tekkva Consult and the TestNet collaboration, CISS had put together an interesting agenda containing presentations from 7 Danish and international experts within the field, including Managing Director of CISS Kim Guldstrand Larsen and Professor Les Hatton from Kingston University, London. Over the course of the day, the participants gained insight into a number of test methods and tools that currently exist for testing software, and CISS unveiled a new collaboration in which CISS' expertise within model-based test may help a company reduce the test period from one month to only a few days.
Read more about the speakers and read abstracts for their presentations here.
Would you like to start improving the efficiency of software test in your company? Contact CISS to hear how you can do it!
Pictures from the conference: