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Kim Guldstrand Larsen among the finalists for the 2012 BrainsBusiness Award
Director of CISS, Kim Guldstrand Larsen, is among the six finalists for this year's BrainsBusiness Award, the North Denmark ICT innovation award that is presented to a person, company or organisation who has managed to transform knowledge to business in an extraordinary way in the North Denmark ICT cluster. In the nomination text for Kim Guldstrand Larsen it says: "Kim Guldstrand Larsen is Denmark's foremost researcher within embedded systems and the potential that technology holds. In addition, he acts as a catalyst for increased collaboration between research environments and companies. As such, he is a large asset for Aalborg University and North Denmark - not least because of his extensive international activites." The award will be presented at an event in Aalborg on 2 November 2012. The other finalists are Atira, EMD International, Morten Middelfart, OscarFilm and Lyngsoe Systems. |
