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Well-attended celebration of CISS' 10 year anniversary

Around 80 people participated when CISS celebrated its 10 year anniversary on 15 November.

In the festive speeches, performed by Head of Department, Kristian G. Olesen, former chairman of the CISS steeting committee, Søren Damgaard, IBM, and director of CISS, Kim Guldstrand Larsen, the look back on the last 10 years focused, among other things, on CISS' being a pioneer within the building of bridges between research and industry - for instance, the centre has always managed to combine a unique open attitude to industry with research at the highest level - thus, CISS was the first centre at AAU which established research positions whose sole purpose is to participate in collaboration projects with companies.

Click here to see a slideshow from the reception.



> Click here to see a slideshow from the reception


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