World class lecturers to make streamline Danish product developmentPRESS RELEASE The Confederation of Danish Industry ITEK and Centre for Embedded Software Systems Aalborg, 7 December 2012
World class lecturers to streamline Danish product development Major Danish companies, e.g., Danfoss, Grundfos, Terma and GN Resound, are collaborating with the Confederation of Danish Industry to form a unique course programme to upskill R&D engineers' competences within model-based development of new IT-based products. DI ITEK now launches a brand new course programme with the best lecturers from all over the world. The target group includes engineeers and development managers in major Danish concerns, and one of the topis is model-driven development. The purpose is to strengthen and equip Danish companies with the latest methods for developing advanced embedded IT technologies. According to chief consultant in DI, Henrik Valentin Jensen, is this a necessary discipline if Danish companies are to maintain their frontline position in terms of innovative digital solutions. - The products of the future makes enormously large demands on digital technologies and embedded systems, and we can see that in-depth knowledge of this field is in short supply within Danish companies. If we do not start developing competences within this field, we will have to bring in expertise from abroad in the future.He adds: - Therefore, we have now organised the course programme Masterclass in Model-driven Development which gives the participants tools for creating advanced technologies through streamining the development process. The result will be an optimisation of resources and the development of even better technology, says Henrik Valentin Jensen. The purpose of the course programme is to provide the participants with the latest knowledge on model-driven development of complex embedded systems. By first working in digital models before the physical model is constructed it is possible to modify the solution along the way and minimise surprises. In this way, we can ensure accuracy, shorter time-to-market and not least far more cost-efficient development projects. Several major Danish companies, among them Danfoss, Grundfos, Vestas, Terma and GN ReSound have for a long time sought skill development within the field and have contributed to paving the way for the coming course programme. At GN ReSound, they see the initiative as a necessity in order to ensure Danish companies' competitiveness on the global market: - In Denmark, we have a unique ability to combining system disciplines in one unified solution. We need to develop this ability in order to make it in the stiff competicion that we are experiencing from e.g. the Asian market. We want to contribute to strengthening Danish industry and to improving our competitiveness. In order for that to happen, we need new qualifcations, says Lars Lindqvist, VP Software Development at GN ReSound. Masterclass in Model-driven Development consists of two modules that take place in January and February 2013 in Gl. Vindige on Funen. The course is offered in collaboration with Aalborg University, and the lecturers have been invited from USA, Sweden and Denmark with professor Kim Guldstrand Larsen of Aalborg University, one of the world's leading competences within embedded software, at the head. Masterclasses are a new initiative from DI ITEK, with the purpose of bringing about knowledge and strengthening competences within the development of devices incorporating electronics and software. So far, the initiative consists of three different course programmes: model-driven development, specification requirements and systems engineering. For more information, please contact:
Read more at Lecturers at Masterclass in Model-driven Development: