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You are here: Home Research areas Intelligent sensor networks
Research areasEmbedded software HW/SW Co-design Model-driven development Intelligent sensor networks Embedded real-time operating system and platforms Safety- and security-critical systems Test and Validation of embedded systems Object-oriented analysis and design High-level programming language Optimum scheduling Wireless networks IT in automation

Intelligent sensor networks

Usually, sensors – e.g. in an indoor thermometer – are relatively simple pieces of electronic equipment capable of sending one specific type of information to a receiver. But this does not mean that they are not capable of solving relatively complicated tasks – they just need to be able to co-operate.

At CISS, we work on creating systems that are capable of gathering information from a large number of intelligent sensors. This means that a system does not only collect and disseminate single pieces of information – it will also be capable of comparing the gathered information and subsequently provide new information or take action on the basis of this received information. In addition, we work on developing networks of sensors capable of determining whether their measurements are correct or not – and, if they are not, reporting themselves as faulty, so that the rest of the system ignores the information from that sensor until the error has been remedied.



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