IT in automation
Many companies have started to replace mechanic elements with intelligent software. This has several advantages: first of all, products with embedded intelligence and high-technological knowledge are more difficult to copy (and thus make cheaper copies of), and secondly, the manufacturers achieve higher levels of quality, heightened precision and higher levels of security and safety. In addition, they will often be able to manufacture smaller products and consequently obtain a reduced consumption of materials and lower production costs, which eventually also lead to a cheaper and more cost-competitive product.
One example of this is the growing use of IT for the regulation of mechanical processes. In this connection, using intelligent software provides a clear advantage, since with this kind of software in autonomous systems, the system can continue to function even if a part of it breaks or fails. The system itself figures out how to solve its task without the faulty part, which is a huge advantage in hard-to-reach or highly safety-critical systems.
CISS performs research on IT in automation within many different kinds of trades and, hence, we contain a high level of knowledge and competence in the area. This competence means that we encounter many different approaches to the field, both practical and theoretical, a fact which constitutes a basis for synergies and experience accumulation for use in further research and product development.
