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You are here: Home Research areas Model-driven development
Research areasEmbedded software HW/SW Co-design Model-driven development Intelligent sensor networks Embedded real-time operating system and platforms Safety- and security-critical systems Test and Validation of embedded systems Object-oriented analysis and design High-level programming language Optimum scheduling Wireless networks IT in automation

Model-Driven Development

Developing a prototype just to discover that it does not function as intended is both expensive and frustrating. Any developer wants to avoid problems like that, and one way of preventing potential problems is to set up a mathematical model of the finished product and make calculations on whether it will perform according to plan – even before the company starts developing the actual hardware and software for the product.

At CISS, several researchers and PhD students work within model-driven development, and the area is prophesied to become a vital part of the development of embedded software systems in the future. In addition, we work within model-driven testing, in which we set up a model, develop software on the basis of this model and subsequently test the software against the model in order to find out whether it performs according to our calculations. Everything done with the purpose of heightening reliability and minimising the number of potential flaws and faults in the product.



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