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You are here: Home Research areas Optimum scheduling
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Optimum scheduling

Optimum scheduling concerns mathematically planning the working procedure of a product in connection with performing a specific function. At CISS, we work with a wide range of approaches to scheduling, since the demands on embedded software systems vary markedly. Some systems are concerned with solving a task within a set deadline, and in such cases, classical scheduling theory can be applied. But at CISS, we also take one step further and work with dynamic scheduling which takes the fact that things may change during the process into account.

Scheduling can be applied in may ways, e.g. in connection with getting a specific type of software to function optimally on a company's hardware, or in terms of regulating the energy flow in a system so that it does not consume more energy that what is necessary at a specific point in the system's performance. The main idea is that scheduling makes the system or project perform optimally in correspondence with its function and the company's guidelines concerning e.g. reduced energy consumption and storage space in the product.




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