"Exploring the possibility of promoting energy conservation behaviors in public buildings within the ENCOURAGE project", 9th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling, 25th of July 2012.
ecppm2012.pdf (216 KB)
"ENCOURAGE architecture: support for heterogeneous smart grids", ENERGYCON 2012 (IEEE International Energy Conference and Exhibition) Industry Track, September 11 2012.
encourage_architecture_support_for_heterogeneous_smart_grids.pdf (334.3 KB)
"Message Oriented Middleware with QoS Support for Smart Grids", Portuguese Informatics Symposium, 7th September 2012
message_oriented_middleware_with_qos_support_for_smart_grids.pdf (150.2 KB)
"QoS-enabled Middleware for Smart Grids", Work-in-Progress session of the 38th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, 7th September 2012.
qosenabled_middleware_for_smart_grids.pdf (94.5 KB)
"Paper para II Congreso de Generación Distribuida", GENEDIS, 17-18 of April 2013.
paper_genedis_2013r5.pdf (450.8 KB)
"Exploring the possibility of promoting energy conservation behaviors in public buildings within the ENCOURAGE project"
ecppm2012.pdf (216 KB)
"The ENCOURAGE ICT architecture for heterogeneous smart grids", IEEE EuroCon 2013, Zagreb, Croatia, 1-4 July 2013
encourage_architecture_paper.pdf (718.5 KB) |